As a student, you're about to embark on a journey filled with exciting Raspberry Pi projects that will unleash your creativity and help you develop valuable skills in electronics, programming, and computer science. Raspberry Pi is a compact and affordable computer that's perfect for students and hobbyists alike.

Find Below List of Raspberry Pi Projects Titles & Details

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 196
Project Code
Project Name
1 TEMBMA3485 IOT Based Anti-Theft Flooring Mat system Using Raspberry PI
2 TEMBMA3501 Design and implementation of attender robot Using raspberry pi
3 TEMBMA3348 Sign Recognition and Voice Conversion Device for Dumb
4 TEMBMA3027 Home automation using person by using raspberry pi
5 TEMBMA2096 AI based fire detection and control system

Artificial Intelligence|Image Processing|Embedded applications

6 TEMBMA2736 Machine Learning-based Surveillance System for Detection of Bike Rider...

Embedded with Matlab|Embedded with Matlab|Arduino|Arduino|Arduino

7 TEMBMA2738 Technological advances in LPG sector

Industrial Automation|Industrial Automation|Arduino|Arduino

8 TEMBMA2739 Driver State Analysis Using AI to Avoid Accidents

Machine Learning|Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence|Artificial Intelligence|Raspberry pi|Raspberry pi

9 TEMBMA2741 Fire Detection and Prevention System Using Machine Learning

Machine Learning|Arduino|Raspberry pi|Raspberry pi

10 TEMBMA2744 Design and Development Of Agri-Bot For Automatic Ploughing, Seeding A...

Robotics|Robotics|Arduino|Raspberry pi

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 196

Related Projects

Raspberry Pi is a compact, affordable and versatile computer that has transformed the way students learn and experiment with technology. With its small size and low power consumption, Raspberry Pi makes it possible for students to build amazing Raspberry Pi projects in various fields such as robotics, electronics, programming and more.

If You are Looking for the Raspberry Pi Projects & Support?

With Takeoff Edu Group, students can unleash their creativity and turn their ideas into reality. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, projects are a great way to improve your technical skills and knowledge.

Takeoff Edu Group's Raspberry Pi projects are a fun and engaging way to develop your technical abilities. With our projects, the possibilities are endless! From building a weather station to creating your own gaming system, there's a project for everyone.

So why wait? Join Takeoff Edu Group today and discover a world of endless possibilities! Get started today and see where your imagination takes you!

Final year projects