Data Science is one of the most exciting and in-demand fields today, offering limitless opportunities for those who possess the skills and knowledge to harness the power of data. As a student, you have the unique chance to get a head start in this field by tackling some challenging and thought-provoking data science project ideas.
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAAN103 Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching App

Android Application|Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

2 TCMAAN76 Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring Dietary Composition

Android Application|Machine Learning

3 TCMAAN49 Medicine Helper Using Ocr

Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

4 TCMAAN32 Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

Items per page:
1 – 4 of 4
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAAN103 Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching App

Android Application|Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

2 TCMAAN76 Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring Dietary Composition

Android Application|Machine Learning

3 TCMAAN49 Medicine Helper Using Ocr

Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

4 TCMAAN32 Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

Machine Learning|Artificial Intelligence

Items per page:
1 – 4 of 4

Whether you're just getting started in data science or you're looking to build upon your existing knowledge and experience, these data science project ideas will help you develop your skills and expand your understanding of this dynamic field. From exploring the latest algorithms and technologies to working with large datasets and creating meaningful insights, these projects will provide you with a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to data science.

With these exciting and challenging data science project ideas, you'll have the opportunity to develop your skills and gain the knowledge you need to succeed in this field. So why wait? Start exploring the world of data science today and see where it can take you!

Looking for more resources to help you get started with your data science project? Contact us today to learn how we can support your learning journey and help you reach your academic goals.

Final year projects