Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1119 Lung Nodule Detection Using Vision Transformer with Avian Optimization
2 TCMAPY1118 Port Aqua Market demand analysis and recommendation system
3 TCMAPY1113 Django Polling APP
4 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
5 TCMAPY1106 Securing Data with Image Encryption using AES Algorithm
6 TCMAPY1104 Recognizing Nutrient Deficiency in Paddy Crops using Neural Networks
7 TCMAPY1103 Al-Based Tool for Preliminary Diagnosis of Dermatological Manifestatio...
8 TCMAPY1102 Exam Seating Auto-Generated System
9 TCMAPY1098 Bill Board Data Analysis
10 TCMAPY1097 Classification of Poetry Text into the Emotional States using Deep Lea...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 229
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1119 Lung Nodule Detection Using Vision Transformer with Avian Optimization
2 TCMAPY1118 Port Aqua Market demand analysis and recommendation system
3 TCMAPY1113 Django Polling APP
4 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
5 TCMAPY1106 Securing Data with Image Encryption using AES Algorithm
6 TCMAPY1104 Recognizing Nutrient Deficiency in Paddy Crops using Neural Networks
7 TCMAPY1103 Al-Based Tool for Preliminary Diagnosis of Dermatological Manifestatio...
8 TCMAPY1102 Exam Seating Auto-Generated System
9 TCMAPY1098 Bill Board Data Analysis
10 TCMAPY1097 Classification of Poetry Text into the Emotional States using Deep Lea...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 229
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1119 Lung Nodule Detection Using Vision Transformer with Avian Optimization
2 TCMAPY1118 Port Aqua Market demand analysis and recommendation system
3 TCMAPY1113 Django Polling APP
4 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
5 TCMAPY1106 Securing Data with Image Encryption using AES Algorithm
6 TCMAPY1104 Recognizing Nutrient Deficiency in Paddy Crops using Neural Networks
7 TCMAPY1103 Al-Based Tool for Preliminary Diagnosis of Dermatological Manifestatio...
8 TCMAPY1102 Exam Seating Auto-Generated System
9 TCMAPY1098 Bill Board Data Analysis
10 TCMAPY1097 Classification of Poetry Text into the Emotional States using Deep Lea...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 229
Final year projects