Safety Helmet Detection in Industrial Site Using OpenCV

Project Code :TCMAPY545


The main objective of this project is detect the person who wears the helmet industrial site with using OpenCV as an application of safety.


Construction industry suffers from the highest number of fatalities among all industries, i.e., one in five worker deaths in private industry were in construction. Tremendous loss has occurred to the workers’ families, the industry, and the nation. Considering the large and increasing number of construction projects that are being conducted in the U.S., there is a growing necessity of developing innovative methods to automatically monitor the safety for the workers at construction sites. Since the head is the most critical area of a human body and is the most vulnerable to an impact that could cause serious injury or death, the use of a protective helmet in construction work is needed. In this paper, we aim to automatically detect the uses of construction helmets (e.g., whether the construction worker wears the helmet or not) by analyzing the construction surveillance images. Based on the collected images, we first detect the object of interest (i.e., construction worker) and further analyze whether the worker wears the helmet or not, by using computer vision and machine learning techniques. In the first step, we incorporate frequency domain information of the image with a popular human detection algorithm Histogram of pytroch for construction worker detection; in the second step, the combination of color-based and OPENCV feature extraction techniques is applied to detect helmet uses for the construction worker.

Construction sites using opencv are a high risk category work place as it can be potentially harmful for the workers working there, if proper care is not taken. Head injuries or others can be life threatening and fatal. Major Accidents in construction sites happen due to workers not wearing proper helmets. So it brings out the inevitable, workers should be checked regularly if they are wearing their helmets. Manually supervising the same can be tedious and inefficient. Hence, introducing automatic detection of the same can be highly efficient and imperative.

Keywords: Helmet detection, Industrial video, opencv, pytorch, torch vision, renset34 model.  

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



H/W Specifications:

  • Processor                         :  I5/Intel Processor
  • RAM                               :  8GB (min)
  • Hard Disk                        :  128 GB

S/W Specifications:

  • Operating System            :   Windows 10
  • Server-side Script            :   Python 3.6
  • IDE                                  :  Pycharm, VS code
  • Libraries Used            : Numpy, IO, OS, Keras, pandas, tensorflow,Opencv,Pytorch

Learning Outcomes

  • Practical exposure to
    • Hardware and software tools
    • Solution providing for real time problems
    • Working with team/individual
    • Work on creative ideas
  • Testing techniques
  • Error correction mechanisms
  • What type of technology versions is used?
  • Working of Tensor Flow
  • Implementation of Deep Learning techniques
  • Working of CNN algorithm
  • Working of Transfer Learning methods
  • Building of model creations
  • Scope of project
  • Applications of the project
  • About Python language
  • About Deep Learning Frameworks
  • Use of Data Science
  • Pytroch

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