Product Review System

Project Code :TCMAPY552


The aim of the project is to make a web application using angular-js for reviewing products


With the rapid rise of e-commerce, a big number of products are being sold online, and a growing number of people are making purchases online. People provide feedback on products purchased in the form of reviews when shopping. User-generated product and service reviews are widely available on the internet. We employ emotive analysis to extract the required info from the vast amount of material available on the internet. Sentiment analysis uses the notion of natural language processing to extract abstract and to-the-point information for source materials. It is used to deal with the identification and consolidation of client feedback. These reviews are extremely important in assessing potential customers for products as well as market trends. This document presents an overview of product reviews by categorizing them as good, negative, or neutral. The amount of information available on the internet is enormous. Because reviews are highly unstructured, machine learning algorithms such as nave Bayes and support vector machine algorithms are used. These algorithms take unstructured product reviews as inputs, perform preprocessing, calculate polarity of reviews, extract features on which comments are made, and plot a graph for the result. Finally, the algorithms' precision, recall, and accuracy are assessed.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



·        Processor                        - I5/Intel Processor

·        RAM                              - 8GB (min)

·        Hard Disk                       - 500 GB



·        Operating System                     :   Windows 10

·        Server-side Script                     :   Python 3.7.9

·        IDE                                           :   VS Code

·        Libraries Used                          :   rasa.

Framework                                :   Django

Learning Outcomes


Angular Js

MVC Design Pattern



Demo Video

Request Video

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