Performance Analysis on Student Feedback using Machine Learning Algorithms

Project Code :TCMAPY427


It investigates opinion mining by means of supervised learning techniques to search out the emotion of the student input bolstered characterized choices of instructing and learning.


It investigates opinion mining by means of supervised learning techniques to search out the emotion of the student input bolstered characterized choices of instructing and learning. The examination led includes the apparatus of a blend of AI and common language preparing systems on understudy input data accumulated from module investigation overview consequences of VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada. Additionally, to offer a grade-by-grade clarification of the technique of accomplishment of opinion mining on or after scholar remarks using the open-source tool Python, the work additionally offers a comparative overall performance take a look remarks supported, extracted alternatives like examination, teaching and so on. The consequences are as compared to be trying to find out higher overall performance with relevance several evaluation standards designed for the various techniques

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Processor- I3/Intel Processor
  •  RAM- 4GB (min)
  • Hard Disk- 128 GB
  • Key Board-Standard Window
  •  Keyboard. Mouse-Two or Three Button Mouse.
  • Monitor-Any.


  • Operating System: Windows 7+
  • Technology: Python 3.6+
  •  IDE: PyCharm IDE
  •  Libraries Used: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Pymysql, Matplotlib.

Learning Outcomes

·        About Python.

·        About PyCharm.

·        About Pandas.

·        About Numpy.

·        About HTML.

·        About CSS.

·        About JavaScript.

·        About Database.

·        About Machine Learning.

·        About Artificial Intelligent.

·        About how to use the libraries.

·        Cloud Overview.

·        Terminology of cloud.

·        Project Development Skills:

o   Problem analyzing skills.

o   Problem solving skills.

o   Creativity and imaginary skills.

o   Programming skills.

o   Deployment.

o   Testing skills.

o   Debugging skills.

o   Project presentation skills.

o   Thesis writing skills.

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