Lane Line Detection Using Python

Project Code :TCMAPY533


The main objective of the project is to provide a line along the lanes on the roads.


During the driving operation, humans use their optical vision for vehicle maneuvering. The road lane marking, act as a constant reference for vehicle navigation. One of the prerequisites to have in a self-driving car is the development of an Automatic Lane Detection system using an algorithm. Computer vision is a technology that can enable cars to make sense of their surroundings. It is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables software to understand the content of image and video. Modern computer vision has come a long way due to the advances in deep learning, which enables it to recognize different objects in images by examining and comparing millions of examples and cleaning the visual patterns that define each object. While especially efficient for classification tasks, deep learning suffers from serious limitations and can fail in unpredictable ways. This means that a driverless car might crash into a truck in broad daylight, or worse, accidentally hit a pedestrian. The current computer vision technology used in autonomous vehicles is also vulnerable to adversarial attacks, by manipulating the AI’s input channels to force it to make mistakes. For instance, researchers have shown they can trick a self-driving car to avoid recognizing stop signs by sticking black and white labels on them.

Keywords: Deep learning, Curve detection.


NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


H/W Specifications:

  • Processor :  I3/Intel Processor
  • RAM:  8GB (min)
  • Hard Disk :  128 GB

S/W Specifications:

  • Operating System:   Windows 10
  • Server-side Script:   Python 3.6
  • IDE:   PyCharm
  • Libraries Used:   Numpy, IO, OS, Flask, Keras.


Learning Outcomes

·         Scope of Real Time Application Scenarios.

·         What is a search engine and how browser can work.

·         What type of technology versions are used.

·         Use of HTML, and CSS on UI Designs.

·         Data Parsing Front-End to Back-End.

·         Working Procedure.

·         Introduction to basic technologies used for.

·         How project works.

·         Input and Output modules.

·         Practical exposure to

o   Hardware and software tools.

o   Solution providing for real time problems.

o   Working with team/ individual.

o   Work on Creative ideas.

·         Frame work use.

·         About python.

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