Faculty Authentication System Based on Face Recognition

Project Code :TCMAPY462


The automatic attendance management will replace the manual method, which takes a lot of time consuming and difficult to maintain. There are many biometric processes, in that face recognition is the best method.


This paper is about the biometric attendance management. The automatic attendance management will replace the manual method, which takes a lot of time consuming and difficult to maintain. There are many biometric processes, in that face recognition is the best method. Here we are using the Deep Learning (DL) based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. We are considering the human faces as a dataset that which were train using CNN. For user interface webpage created using flask framework

Keywords: Attendance Management, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Human Face Images.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


H/W Configuration:
  • Processor:  I3/Intel Processor
  • Hard Disk: 160GB 

S/W Configuration:

  • Operating System:  Windows 7/8/10  
  • IDE:  Pycharm Server side scripts:  HTML, CSS, Js 
  • Libraries Used:   Numpy, IO, OS, Flask 
  • Technology:  Python 3.6+

Learning Outcomes

  • Practical exposure to
    • Hardware and software tools
    • Solution providing for real time problems
    • Working with team/individual
    • Work on creative ideas
  • Testing techniques.
  • Error correction mechanisms.
  • Scope of Real Time Application Scenarios.
  • What is biometrics?
  • What type of technology versions is used?
  • Implementation of Deep Learning techniques.
  • Working of Computer Vision.
  • Working of Flask.
  • Building of model creations
  • Scope of project.
  • Applications of the project.
  • About Python language.
  • About Deep Learning Frameworks.
  • Use of Data Science.

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