E-COMMERCE Application

Project Code :TCMAPY697


The primary objective of e-commerce is to reach maximum customers at the right time to increase sales and profitability of the business.


This project deals with developing a Virtual website E-commerce Website. It provides the user with a list of the various products available for purchase in the store. For the convenience of online shopping, a shopping cart is provided to the user. After the selection of the goods, it is sent for the order confirmation process. The system is implemented using Python. It will display products, customers can select catalogues and select products, and can remove products from their cart specifying the quantity of each item. Selected items will be collected in a cart. At checkout, the item on the card will be presented as an order. Customers can pay for the items in the cart to complete an order. The project also provides security with the use of login ID and passwords, so that no unauthorized users can access your account. The only authorized person who has the appropriate access authority can access the software.


Keywords:  Virtual assistants, E-Commerce Assitance.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


H/W Configuration:

  • Operating system:  Windows 7 or 7+
  • RAM:  8 GB
  • Hard disc or SSD:  More than 500 GB  
  • Processor :  Intel 3rd generation or high or Ryzen with 8 GB Ram

S/W Configuration:

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10                   
  • Server side Script: HTML, CSS & JS
  • IDE : Pycharm
  • Libraries Used :Numpy, IO, OS
  • Technology: Python 3.6+

Learning Outcomes

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