Customer Segmentation

Project Code :TCMAPY557


The main goal of this project is to create an effective system for customer segmentation and to add value to the organization.


  • The partnership between businesses and consumers is increasingly crucial with technological growth. It is necessary to manage this relationship for the company’s future growth. The communication mechanism between companies and customers is called Customer Relationship Management (CRM).The CRM plays a significant role in the business sector. Moreover businesses may classify client attitudes, characteristics, etc. following the appropriate CRM method. By using this knowledge, companies can determine which consumers are the most profitable. This can be done with the method called customer segmentation. The Customer segmentation is a breakdown of the broad database of customers into subparts. The subparts members have some common features, although, in other subparts, these features are different. Most scientists consider various ways of segmenting customers with multiple clustering algorithms in different fields with the support of data mining. In the data analytical field, there are many techniques associated with the segmentation process. To order to identify the target consumer audience, companies use traditional market segmentation. It ensures that marketers will target their marketing strategies on the most likely to attract customers. Also, businesses may adopt more effective marketing strategies following the successful customer segmentation process and thereby reduce the uncertainty associated with an investment. Here, the k-mean was used as an algorithm for the segmentation process to segment the customers and then apply classification algorithms to add more value to the organization.

     KEYWORDS: Supervised learning, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning and K-Nearest Neighbors.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Processor- I3/Intel Processor
  •  RAM- 4GB (min)
  • Hard Disk- 128 GB
  • Key Board-Standard Window
  •  Keyboard. Mouse-Two or Three Button Mouse.
  • Monitor-Any.


  • Operating System: Windows 7+
  • Technology: Python 3.6+
  •  IDE: PyCharm IDE
  •  Libraries Used: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib.

Learning Outcomes

  • Importance of PyCharm IDE.
  • How ensemble models works.
  • Process of debugging a code.
  • The problem with imbalanced dataset.
  • Benefits of SMOTE technique.
  • Input and Output modules
  • How test the project based on user inputs and observe the output
  • Project Development Skills:
    • Problem analyzing skills.
    • Problem solving skills.
    • Creativity and imaginary skills.
    • Programming skills.
    • Deployment.
    • Testing skills.
    • Debugging skills.
    • Project presentation skills.
    • Thesis writing skills.

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