A Novel Approach to Predict Early Stage of Breast Cancer using DL

Project Code :TCMAPY572


The main objective of this paper is to present the most recent breast cancer detection and classification models that are deep learning based models by analyzing them in the form of comparative study.


Breast cancer is considered one of the primary causes of mortality among women aged 20–59 worldwide. Early detection and treatment can allow patients to have proper treatment and consequently reduce rate of morbidity of breast cancer. Research indicates that most experienced physicians can diagnose cancer with 79% accuracy while 91% correct diagnosis is achieved using deep learning techniques. In this paper, we present the most recent breast cancer detection and classification models that are deep learning based models by analyzing them in the form of comparative study. Also, in this paper, the datasets that are public for use and popular as well are listed in the recent work to facilitate any new experiments and comparisons. The comparative analysis shows that the recent highest accuracy models based on simple detection and the classification architectures are Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and transfer learning model (MobileNet).

Keywords: CNN, transfer learning, breast cancer, deep learning.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

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H/W Configuration:

  • Processor:I3/Intel Processor
  • Hard Disk:160GB
  • Key Board :Standard Windows Keyboard
  • Mouse: Two or Three Button Mouse
  • Monitor: SVGA
  • RAM :8Gb


S/W Configuration:

  • Operating System :   Windows 7/8/10                 
  • IDE :   Pycharm
  • Libraries Used : Numpy, Tensorflow, Keras, Flask
  • Technology : Python 3.6+


Learning Outcomes

·         Scope of Real Time Application Scenarios.

·         What is a search engine and how browser can work.

·         What type of technology versions are used.

·         Use of HTML, and CSS on UI Designs.

·         Data Parsing Front-End to Back-End.

·         Working Procedure.

·         Introduction to basic technologies used for.

·         How project works.

·         Input and Output modules.

·         Practical exposure to

o   Hardware and software tools.

o   Solution providing for real time problems.

o   Working with team/ individual.

o   Work on Creative ideas.

·         Frame work use.

·         About python.

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