Welcome to the world of machine learning projects! As a student, you have the opportunity to learn and work on exciting projects that will shape the future. With Machine Learning, you can bring to life innovative solutions that can solve complex problems and make a difference in the world.

Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1138 A Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection Model for Wireless Sen...
2 TCMAPY1137 Information Summarization System Based on Custom Query
3 TCMAPY1136 Offline LLM: Generating Human Like Responses Without Internet
4 TCMAPY1135 Advanced Techniques for Efficient Text Summarization
5 TCMAPY1134 Prediction of Diabetes Empowered with Fused Machine Learning
6 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
7 TCMAPY1092 Two Factor Worm Detection Based on Signature & Anomaly
8 TCMAPY1087 Product Demand Forecasting
9 TCMAPY1085 Anemia Prediction Based on Eye Condition Data Using Machine Learning
10 TCMAPY1084 Generative Energy Data for Machine Learning with Recurrent Generative ...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 76
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1138 A Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection Model for Wireless Sen...
2 TCMAPY1137 Information Summarization System Based on Custom Query
3 TCMAPY1136 Offline LLM: Generating Human Like Responses Without Internet
4 TCMAPY1135 Advanced Techniques for Efficient Text Summarization
5 TCMAPY1134 Prediction of Diabetes Empowered with Fused Machine Learning
6 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
7 TCMAPY1092 Two Factor Worm Detection Based on Signature & Anomaly
8 TCMAPY1087 Product Demand Forecasting
9 TCMAPY1085 Anemia Prediction Based on Eye Condition Data Using Machine Learning
10 TCMAPY1084 Generative Energy Data for Machine Learning with Recurrent Generative ...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 76
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCMAPY1138 A Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection Model for Wireless Sen...
2 TCMAPY1137 Information Summarization System Based on Custom Query
3 TCMAPY1136 Offline LLM: Generating Human Like Responses Without Internet
4 TCMAPY1135 Advanced Techniques for Efficient Text Summarization
5 TCMAPY1134 Prediction of Diabetes Empowered with Fused Machine Learning
6 TCMAPY1109 Prediction of Loan Eligibility Approval using Machine Learning
7 TCMAPY1092 Two Factor Worm Detection Based on Signature & Anomaly
8 TCMAPY1087 Product Demand Forecasting
9 TCMAPY1085 Anemia Prediction Based on Eye Condition Data Using Machine Learning
10 TCMAPY1084 Generative Energy Data for Machine Learning with Recurrent Generative ...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 76

At Takeoff Edu Group, we offer hands-on machine learning projects for students to develop their skills and gain practical experience in the field of Machine Learning. Our projects are designed to challenge students and help them build a strong foundation in the subject.

All our projects come with complete guidance and support from our team of experienced trainers. Our machine learning projects are designed to be both fun and educational, and you'll leave with a deeper understanding of the subject, as well as practical experience that will be invaluable for your future career.

Are You Looking for Machine Learning Projects & Support?

At Takeoff Edu Group, we believe in providing students with the best possible learning experience. That's why we use the latest tools and techniques in our machine learning projects, and why we provide hands-on training and support to help you achieve your goals.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your Machine Learning journey today! Join us for a project and experience the power of Machine Learning for yourself!

Contact us to enroll in our Machine Learning projects and take your first step towards a brighter future.

Final year projects