Takeoff Projects – Best Project Consultancy for Wind Energy Projects

With a dedicated department for renewable energy projects, Takeoff Projects has helped hundreds of students successfully execute their solar and wind energy projects. With an extensive library for wind energy project ideas, we can help you find the right ideas or can even execute your projects and deliver it to you within stipulated time. Check out our library of wind energy projects and contact us for more details.

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16
Project Code
Project Name
1 TEPGPS925 Power quality enhancement of DSTATCOM using E2PLL-based control method...

Power Quality

2 TEPGPS916 Grid Resilience Enhancement and Stability Improvement of an Autonomous...

Microgrids|Solar Power Generation

3 TEPGPS908 Hybrid Energy Storage Integrated Wind Energy Fed DC Microgrid Power Di...

Hybrid Systems|

4 TEPGPS872 Enhancing Zero Voltage Ride Through of PMSG-Based Wind Generator with ...

AC Drives|AC-DC Converters

5 TEPGPS874 A Novel Coordinated Control Strategy for Frequency Regulation of MMC-H...

6 TEPGPS870 Dual-Sequence Synchronization Stability Analysis and Control of Multi-...

7 TEPGPS867 Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Strategy of Grid-Forming Matrix ...

8 TEPGPS866 Passive Control for Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator Under Un...

AC Drives

9 TEPGPS865 An Ingenious Technique to Track the Maximum Power Point for a Wind Ene...

AC-DC Converters

10 TEPGPS836 Coordinated Control of Grid-Connected PMSG Based Wind Energy System Wi...

Power Quality|AC Drives

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16
Project Code
Project Name
1 TEPGPS925 Power quality enhancement of DSTATCOM using E2PLL-based control method...

Power Quality

2 TEPGPS916 Grid Resilience Enhancement and Stability Improvement of an Autonomous...

Microgrids|Solar Power Generation

3 TEPGPS908 Hybrid Energy Storage Integrated Wind Energy Fed DC Microgrid Power Di...

Hybrid Systems|

4 TEPGPS872 Enhancing Zero Voltage Ride Through of PMSG-Based Wind Generator with ...

AC Drives|AC-DC Converters

5 TEPGPS874 A Novel Coordinated Control Strategy for Frequency Regulation of MMC-H...

6 TEPGPS870 Dual-Sequence Synchronization Stability Analysis and Control of Multi-...

7 TEPGPS867 Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Strategy of Grid-Forming Matrix ...

8 TEPGPS866 Passive Control for Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator Under Un...

AC Drives

9 TEPGPS865 An Ingenious Technique to Track the Maximum Power Point for a Wind Ene...

AC-DC Converters

10 TEPGPS836 Coordinated Control of Grid-Connected PMSG Based Wind Energy System Wi...

Power Quality|AC Drives

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16
Project Code
Project Name
1 TEPGPS925 Power quality enhancement of DSTATCOM using E2PLL-based control method...

Power Quality

2 TEPGPS916 Grid Resilience Enhancement and Stability Improvement of an Autonomous...

Microgrids|Solar Power Generation

3 TEPGPS908 Hybrid Energy Storage Integrated Wind Energy Fed DC Microgrid Power Di...

Hybrid Systems|

4 TEPGPS872 Enhancing Zero Voltage Ride Through of PMSG-Based Wind Generator with ...

AC Drives|AC-DC Converters

5 TEPGPS874 A Novel Coordinated Control Strategy for Frequency Regulation of MMC-H...

6 TEPGPS870 Dual-Sequence Synchronization Stability Analysis and Control of Multi-...

7 TEPGPS867 Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Strategy of Grid-Forming Matrix ...

8 TEPGPS866 Passive Control for Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator Under Un...

AC Drives

9 TEPGPS865 An Ingenious Technique to Track the Maximum Power Point for a Wind Ene...

AC-DC Converters

10 TEPGPS836 Coordinated Control of Grid-Connected PMSG Based Wind Energy System Wi...

Power Quality|AC Drives

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 16

Related Projects

With the power crisis looming across the country, the need for power generation through renewable energy sources is higher than ever. While solar power is already being leveraged and is on the ascent the market for power generation using wind energy is rapidly increasing year on year.

To quote figures from the year 2000 to the year 2019 there has been a 700 times increase in solar power generation which still amounts to only 7% of the total power generated. And hence, power generation using renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy promises an ever-green future for engineering professionals.

If you are an engineering student we suggest you pick a renewable energy project like solar energy or wind energy projects. If you have already made a choice and have chosen wind energy projects then Takeoff Projects is here to help you.

Challenges of Executing Wind Energy Projects

Wind energy projects belong to a class of projects that are hard to execute and implement owing to a lot of practical challenges. For example, even building a simple wind turbine project for a school will demand a lot of work from the design of the blades, rotors, and motors to implement power generations. Real-life wind energy projects will pose 10X challenges and without help from professionals, it could be impossible to successfully implement serious projects within the given time.

Fortunately, our engineering professional at Takeoff projects holds an excellent track record in designing and implementing wind energy projects for engineering students.

Final year projects