Visual Product Identification for Blind using Android

Project Code :TCMAAN260


The objective of this project is to develop an application that will enable blind users to get information about a particular product. We build on our recent work focusing on reading a barcode (assuming it has already been segmented) using a Bayesian deformable template algorithm that combines a prior model of the geometric shape of the barcode pattern with a likelihood model that evaluates evidence in the image for edges. Such an approach is a principled technique of decoding noisy barcode images that contain spurious (or missing) edges.


This project is developed to make the life of blind people easy. This is a camera-based system to scan the barcode behind the image and read the description of the product with the help of Id stored in the barcode. This is very beneficial in case of finding out the description of packaged goods to the blind people and thus helping them in deciding to purchase a product or not especially, which are packaged. 

This is because it becomes very difficult for the blind people to distinguish between the packaged goods. In order to use this system, all the user needs to do is capture the image on the product in the mobile phone which then resolves the barcode which means it scans the image to find out the Id stored. Thus, this application really benefits blind and visually impaired people and thus making their work of identifying products easy. 

This is very easy to use and affordable, as it requires a scanner to scan the barcode and a camera phone to take the picture of the image containing the barcode. This is now easy to implement as most of the mobile phones today have the required resolution in order to scan the barcode to identify the Id stored in it and read out the product description. This project can be implemented in any shopping mall, supermarket, Bookstores, Medical stores etc.

Keywords :Barcode, -UPC- Universal Product Code ,1D –One Dimensional and 2D- Two Dimensional, decoding, scanner.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Operating System: Windows and Android
  • SDK IDE: Android Studio 3.3
  • Virtual Emulator: Nexus Pixel 2
  • Programming Language: Java
  • Front End: Xml
  • Server scripting Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL


  • CPU type: Intel i7
  • Ram size: 16 GB
  • Hard disk capacity: 1TB
  • Monitor type: 15 Inch color monitor
  • Keyboard type: Internet keyboard
  • Mobile: Android

Learning Outcomes

  • About Android Studio.
  • Android architecture.
  • Widgets in android.
  • Views in android.
  • Knowledge on ZXing Library.
  • Barcode Creation and Reading the Barcode.
  • Interaction with the Cloud Database.
  • About Text to Speech and Speech to Text.
  • Layouts in android.
  • How to design the user Interface.
  • About activities.
  • Basics about java.
  • Basics about SQLite.
  • Knowledge about Shared preferences.
  • What are Packages and dependencies regarding the app?
  • What are various versions of android app and android operating system.
  • About Android studio.
  • Different Debugging Technique’s.
  • Deployment of app.
  • About play store deployment.
  • What is manifest?
  • About XML.
  • Problem analyzing skills.
    • Problem solving skills.
    • Creativity and imaginary skills.
    • Programming skills.
    • Deployment.
    • Testing skills.
    • Debugging skills.
    • Project presentation skills.
    • Thesis writing skills.

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