Also Available Domains WSN
The main objective of the project is to send an audio signal from mobile to the speaker with the help of wireless LiFi technology
The light fidelity technology refers to visible light communication that uses light as a medium to deliver high speed data which is much greater than that of Wi-Fi, Li-Fi data is transmitted in several bit streams and receiver side consisting an IR detector decodes the message.
The transmission happens in the form of binary data where 0 means LED is off and the data is 1 means LED on state. Transmitter and receiver sections contain Arduino which is programmed using Arduino IDE. In this we are transmitting the 2 different data using light they are Audio signal and Text signal. High power intensity led are used in the Li-Fi transmitter. In receiver section photodiode module is used to detect the light signal generated by the Li-Fi transmitter.
Keywords: LI-FI technology, Arduino uno.
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