Spam Message Classification using Machine Learning Algorithm

Project Code :TCMAPY605


In this paper, we apply some classification methods along with “machine learning algorithms” to identify how many SMS are spam or not. For that reason, we compared different classified methods on dataset collection on which work done by using the Weka tool.


We use some communication means to convey messages digitally. Digital tools allow two or more persons to coordinate with each other. This communication can be textual, visual, audio, and written. Smart devices including cell phones are the major sources of communication these days. Intensive communication through SMSs is causing spamming as well. Unwanted text messages define as junk information that we received in gadgets. Most of the companies promote their products or services by sending spam texts which are unwelcome. In general, most of the time spam emails more in numbers than Actual messages. In this paper, we have used text classification techniques to define SMS and spam filtering in a short view, which segregates the messages accordingly. In this paper, we apply some classification methods along with “machine learning algorithms” to identify how many SMS are spam or not. For that reason, we compared different classified methods on dataset collection on which work done by using the Weka tool. We got 100% results from Random forest and random tree.

Keywords: Spam Messages, Classification, Spam Filtering, Comparison.




NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram




Processor-I3/Intel Processor

Hard Disk-160GB



Operating System: Windows 7/8/10

IDE: Pycharm

Libraries Used: Numpy, IO, OS, Pillow, keras, Tkinter

Technology: Python 3.6+

Accessories: Webcam.



Learning Outcomes

·         Practical exposure to

·         Hardware and software tools

·         Solution providing for real time problems

·         Working with team/individual

·         Work on creative ideas

·         Testing techniques

·         Error correction mechanisms

·         What type of technology versions is used?

·         Working of Tensor Flow

·         Implementation of Deep Learning techniques

·         Working of CNN algorithm

·         Working of Transfer Learning methods

·         Building of model creations

·         Scope of project

·         Applications of the project

·         About Python language

·         About Deep Learning Frameworks

Use of Data Science

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