SHCM (Smart Home With Conditional Monitoring)

Project Code :TCMAAN265


The main purpose of this project is to create an application to minimize and save the time of patients and to keep clinic in an organised way.


Finding a doctor and getting his appointment is typical task in countries of high population. Because doctors are less and whereas public or patients are more in ratio. This project develops an android application which helps the user to book appointments with prior to visits to doctor and can use his time for effective use instead of waiting at hospitals. Along with this our application consists of BMI calculator to check BMI result of the user and also can set the medicine remainders. On the other hand, side Doctor will accept or reject patients’ appointments based on his availability at clinic.

Keywords:E-Doctor, Appdoc, Tests, Booking, Reports.


NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


·         Processor                 : I3/Intel Processor
·         RAM                          : 4GB (min)
·         Hard Disk                 : 128 GB
·         Key Board                : Standard Windows Keyboard
·         Mouse                      : Two or Three Button Mouse
·         Monitor                    : Any
· Operating System          : Windows 7+            
· Server-side Script           : JAVA, PHP.
· IDE                                    : Android Studio, Emulator.
· Libraries Used                : Recycler View, Components,  Volley, 
                                             Constraint Layout, Material Libraries Etc.

Learning Outcomes

·         About Android Studio.
·         About java.
·         About volley servers.
·         About Fragments.
·         About manifest.
·         About dependencies.
·         About griddle builds.
·         About uses and permissions.
·         About Edit texts.
·         About Relative layout.
·         About Linear layout.
·         About image views.
·         About Libraries.
·         About Resource layout.
·         About Activities.
·         About Layouts.
·         About Adapters.
·         About Different types of Buttons.
·         About XML code.
·         About how to send notifications.
·         About Views.
·         About JSON objects.
·         About Intents.
·         About put extra params to pass the values.
·         About PHP.
·         About SQL.
·         About Database.
·         About data base tables.

·         About How to store data in database.

Demo Video

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