Research on Logistics Information Blockchain Data Query Algorithm Based on Searchable Encryption

Project Code :TCMAPY501


The aim of this process is to solve the problems of inefficiency, key abuse and inflexibility of access control policy for data privacy protection and sharing based on block chain.


In order to ensure the security of logistics information and to query information quickly and efficiently, using searchable encryption algorithms, combined with the characteristics of the blockchain, a searchable and encrypted logistics information blockchain data query algorithm is proposed. First, the logistics information is divided into multiple data files, encrypted with an asymmetric searchable encryption algorithm, and then stored in the cloud server. The keyword index value is extracted from each data file and uploaded to the blockchain. This solution can be used at any time Update and query data. Finally, analyse the correctness, completeness and safety of the scheme of this article, which proves the feasibility of this scheme.

INDEX TERMS: Blockchain, searchable encryption, asymmetric encryption, logistics information, and data query.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Processor- I3/Intel Processor
  • Hard Disk- 160GB
  • RAM- 8GB


  • Operating System:  Windows 7/8/10                     
  • IDE:  Pycharm 
  • Server side scripts:  HTML, CSS, JS 
  • Libraries Used:   Numpy, IO, OS, Random, Flask 
  • Technology     :  Python 3.6+

Learning Outcomes

  • About Blockchain technology.
  • About Python programming.
  • About AES Algorithms.
  • About Flask frame work and implementation.
  • About database connections.
  • About Cryptography algorithms.
  • About Data security.
  • Practical exposure on
    • Software tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems
    • Working with team/ individual
    • Creative and Imagination Skills
    • Work on Creative ideas 

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