Pests Control in Agriculture Plantation using Image Processing

Project Code :TMMAIP409


The objective of this project is to develop a pest control system for agriculture plantations using image processing techniques. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a reliable and effective solution for pest control in agriculture that can help reduce crop losses and increase yields.


Agriculture is the backbone to the living being that plays a vital role to country’s economy. Agriculture production is inversely affected by pest infestation and plant diseases. Plants vitality is directly affected by the pests as poor or abnormal. Here we are proposing new techniques using image processing and K means Clustering for detection of pest on plants/agriculture plantation. This is an essential research phenomenon, as early detection of pests as they appear on the plants may lead to minimizing the loss of production. In this approach, the image has been segmented from the fields by using enhanced K-Mean segmentation technique that identifies the pests or any object from the image. To cope with these problems, an automatic pest detection algorithm using image processing techniques in MATLAB has been proposed in this paper. These images are then subjected to pre-processing and k means clustering.

Keywords: Pest, Image processing, Image segmentation, K means Clustering, Pest detection.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


Software: Matlab 2018a or above


Operating Systems:

·   Windows 10

·   Windows 7 Service Pack 1

·   Windows Server 2019

·    Windows Server 2016


Minimum: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor

Recommended: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support


Minimum: 2.9 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only, 5-8 GB for a typical installation

Recommended: An SSD is recommended A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 29 GB of disk space


Minimum: 4 GB

Recommended: 8 GB

Learning Outcomes

·  Introduction to Matlab


·  How to start with MATLAB

·  About Matlab language

·  Matlab coding skills

·  About tools & libraries

·  Application Program Interface in Matlab

·  About Matlab desktop

·  How to use Matlab editor to create M-Files

·  Features of Matlab

·  Basics on Matlab

·  What is an Image/pixel?

·  About image formats

·  Introduction to Image Processing

·  How digital image is formed

·  Importing the image via image acquisition tools

·  Analyzing and manipulation of image.

·  Phases of image processing:

           o  Acquisition

            Image enhancement

            Image restoration

           o  Color image processing

           o  Image compression

            Morphological processing

             Segmentation etc.,

· How to extend our work to another real time applications

· Project development Skills

           o   Problem analyzing skills

           o   Problem solving skills

           o   Creativity and imaginary skills

           o   Programming skills

           o   Deployment

           o   Testing skills

           o   Debugging skills

           o   Project presentation skills

           o   Thesis writing skills

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