Oil Spills Detection on Sea Surface by using Sentinel–1 SAR Images

Project Code :TEMBMA2728


Identification of oil spills on the surface of the sea using SAR images for detection of oil pollution


Identification of an oil spill is additionally essential to evaluate the potential spread and float from the source to the adjacent coastal terrains. In such manner, usage of Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) information for the recognition and checking of oil spills has gotten extensive consideration as of late, because of their wide zone inclusion, day-night and all-weather capabilities.

 The present examination studies an oil spill occurred in some regions by applying Sentinel 1 SAR-C images. Approaches dependent on MATLAB images examination have been produced for distinguishing oil spills from referred to common leaks just as oil slick procedures.

In this project, one of these techniques is associated with Sentinel 1 images of a known region of natural oil leakage and of an ongoing oil slick in incident zone. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is perceived as the most significant remote sensing apparatus for the ocean and ocean waters oil slick examination, recording, documentation and propagation. Results demonstrated the significance of the VV polarization of the Sentinel-1 for recognizing oil-spills just as the diminished utility of the VH polarization in this sole circumstance.


Keywords: MATLAB, GSM, arduino

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino UNO
  • 5v Power supply
  • Battery
  • GSM Module
  • 16x2 LCD

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Embedded C
  • Fritzing 

Learning Outcomes

  • Arduino Pin diagram
  • Arduino Architecture
  • How to install Arduino Software
  • How to interface MATLAB with an Arduino using USB cable?
  • Working of 16x2 LCD
  • How to interface 16x2 LCD with Arduino?
  • What is serial communication?
  • Working of GSM  Module
  • How to interface GSM with Arduino?
  • About Project Development Life Cycle:
    • Planning and Requirement Gathering( software’s, Tools, Hardware components, etc.,)
    • Schematic preparation 
    • Code development and debugging
    • Hardware development and debugging
    • Development of the Project and  Output testing
  • Practical exposure to:
    • Hardware and software tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems.
    • Working with team/ individual.
    • Work on Creative ideas.
  • Project development Skills
    • Problem analyzing skills
    • Problem solving skills
    • Creativity and imaginary skills
    • Programming skills
    • Deployment
    • Testing skills
    • Debugging skills
    • Project presentation skills
    • Thesis writing skills 

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