Novel Wearable Sensor Device For Continuous Monitoring Of Cardiac Activity During Sleep

Also Available Domains IOT|WSN|Biomedical

Project Code :TEMBRE19_818


The main objective of this project is to monitor blood pressure and temperature continuously through a wearable device


The miniaturization and energy optimization of sensors opens up new possibilities in the field of sleep research. Wearable sensors are capable of recording vital parameters during sleep in a simple and unobtrusive manner. In order to analyze sleep architecture and sleep disorders, continuous monitoring of movements and cardiorespiratory parameters in high resolution is of central importance. In this paper a novel wearable sensor device based on impedance plethysmography (IPG) is presented, which is able to continuously monitor movements and cardiac parameters at the wrist. The sensor is designed to realize high resolution measurements up to 48 hours constantly. Measurements during sleep show that up to 98% of the pulse intervals are correctly detected. Furthermore, the comparison of the heart rate variability (HRV) parameters between IPG and the gold standard ECG demonstrate the potential of the sensor as a valid tool for ambulant sleep analysis.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram

Arduino, Internet of Things, Health Monitoring


Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino
  • BP Sensor
  • DHT11 Sensor
  • LCD
  • GSM
  • Power supply
  • 12v 1a adapter

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Embedded C 

Learning Outcomes

  • Micro controller pin diagram and architecture
  • How to install Arduino  IDE software
  • Setting up and installation procedure for Arduino  
  • Introduction to Arduino  IDE
  • Basic coding in Arduino  IDE
  • About Project Development Life Cycle:
    • Planning and Requirement Gathering ((Hardware components, etc.,)
    • Hardware development and debugging
    • Development of the Project and Output testing
  • Practical exposure to:
    • Hardware tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems.
    • Working with team/ individual.
    • Work on Creative ideas.
  • Project development Skills
    • Problem analyzing skills
    • Problem solving skills
    • Creativity and imaginary skills
    • Testing skills
    • presentation skills
    • Thesis writing skills

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