Exam Hall Seating Arrangement

Project Code :TCMAAN476


The objective of developing exam hall seating arrangement system is to computerized the traditional way of conducting exams. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the seating arrangement report automatically during exams at the end of the session or in between the session.


To simplify examination hall allotment and seating arrangement for the student, an application for automatic seating arrangement is developed. Using the above application, the examination information of a particular student in a particular class can be accessed. Main aim of the project is to assign the student, exam hall which is hassle free. Because most of the students feel Augean to search their allotted seat, the concept of automatic exam hall seat generation has come up, where even the hall for invigilators, for the invigilation duty is generated. Exam Hall Seating Arrangement System is an online process developed for colleges to make the seat allocation simpler. In this project traditional approach of conduction of exams is turned to computerized way. The software helps in generation of report of seat arrangement made. The project is developed as a windows-based application. Students attending the exams their details will be stored, which consists of name, registration number, branch & hall number. Details of the hall include, number of halls in the institute & name of the hall. Details of batch include the department to which student belong CS, ME, CE etc. Details in modules such as Students Details and Hall Details with the proper descriptions will be monitored.

Keywords: Exam, Student, School, Administrator , Department, Exam halls, Seat Allocation, Seating Arrangements .

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

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