Efficient Traceable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Dynamic Access Control Based on Blockchain

Project Code :TCMAPY464


The main objective of this project is to solve the problems of inefficiency, key abuse and inflexibility of access control policy for data privacy protection and sharing based on blockchain.


The features of decentralization and tamper-proof enable blockchain to be an emerging technology for integrity protection of important data  stored on it. Blockchains are also used to combine with cloud storage for access control and sharing of private data. To protect the confidentiality of the private data, attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes that can provide one-to-many encryption are commonly used as the solutions. However, there are problems, such as inefficiency, key abuse, and inflexibility of access control policy, when adopting ABE solutions. This paper proposes an efficient traceable attribute-based encryption with dynamic access control (TABE-DAC) scheme based on blockchain for fine-grained sharing of encrypted private data on cloud. The proposed TABE-DAC scheme supports traceability for the accountability of malicious users who leak the private key. The proposed solution also realizes dynamic access control where data owners have the flexibility to update access control policy. We also prove the security of the proposed TABE-DAC scheme. Finally, through theoretical comparison and experimental analysis, we verify the efficiency of the proposed solution.

INDEX TERMS: Access control, key abuse, private data, cloud storage, attribute-based encryption, confidentiality, blockchain.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Processor- I3/Intel Processor
  • Hard Disk- 160GB
  • RAM- 8GB


  • Operating System:  Windows 7/8/10                     
  • IDE:  Pycharm 
  • Server side scripts:  HTML, CSS, JS 
  • Libraries Used:   Numpy, IO, OS, Random, Flask 
  • Technology     :  Python 3.6+

Learning Outcomes

  • About Blockchain technology.
  • About Python programming.
  • About AES Algorithms.
  • About Flask frame work and implementation.
  • About database connections.
  • About Cryptography algorithms.
  • About Data security.
  • Practical exposure on
    • Software tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems
    • Working with team/ individual
    • Creative and Imagination Skills
    • Work on Creative ideas


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