Design of Very High-Speed Pipeline FIR Filter Through Precise Critical Path Analysis

Also Available Domains DSP Core|Xilinx Vivado

Project Code :TVPGTO601


In this project, we propose a new hardware architecture of a very high-speed finite impulse response (FIR) filter using fine-grained seamless pipelining. The proposed full-parallel pipeline FIR filter can produce an output sample in a few gate delays by placing the pipeline registers not only in between components, but also across the components. A precise critical path analysis at the gate level allows to create an appropriate pipelining strategy depending on the throughput requirement. This paper also presents two alternative architectures, each offering different trade-offs in terms of area and throughput rate. The proposed FIR filters are synthesized to measure the maximum throughput and the balance between complexity and speed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is synthesized and simulated using Xilinx ISE 14.7/Xilinx Vivado.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


Software Requirements:

·         Xilinx ISE 14.7/Xilinx vivado Tool

·         HDL: Verilog

Hardware Requirements:

·         Microsoft® Windows XP

·         Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or Pentium 4 equivalent with SSE support

·         512 MB RAM

·         100 MB of available disk space

Learning Outcomes

  • Basics of Digital Electronics
  • VLSI design Flow
  • Introduction to Verilog Coding
  • Different modeling styles in Verilog

o   Data Flow modeling

o   Structural modeling

o   Behavioral modeling

o   Mixed level modeling

  • Introduction to Arithmetic circuits
  • Knowledge on types of adder circuits
  • Different multipliers
  • Knowledge on FIR
  • Applications in real time

·         Xilinx ISE 14.7/Xilinx Vivado for design and simulation

·         Generation of Netlist

·         Solution providing for real time problems

·         Project Development Skills:

o   Problem Analysis Skills

o   Problem Solving Skills

o   Logical Skills

o   Designing Skills

o   Testing Skills

o   Debugging Skills

o   Presentation Skills

o   Thesis Writing Skills

Demo Video

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