Also Available Domains WSN|Embedded applications
The main objective of the project is to implement Vehicle to vehicle communication in order to reduce vehicle's accidents by Li-Fi technoogy. The proposed use of Li-Fi technology comprises mainly light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs as means of connectivity by sending data through light spectrum as an optical wireless medium for signal propagation.
Using the concept of LI-FI two vehicles are communicated with the help of LEDs bulbs with the help of transmitter and receiver circuit. With the help of this technology the road accident can be controlled and many human life can be saved. A very chip device called as ultrasonic sensor which is used to measure the distance is used here just to communicate the two vehicles when they comes in the contact in some range which is preferred for the ultrasonic sensor. Using this LI-FI the data is transmitted from one vehicle to another. The data that is transmitted through LI-FI can be any data like audio, video or text. This technology was introduced few years back, which needs more systematic enquiry on its sustainability for traffic control purpose. This concept can be implemented at very low cost and with higher efficiency. At present, the day to day activities use lot of LEDs based lights for illumination, which can also be used for communication because of the advantages like fast switching, high power efficiency and safe to human vision. Hence, this project presents about eco-friendly data communication between vehicle to vehicle through visible light which consists of the white LEDs that transmit audio signals to the receiver. The receiver circuit consists of solar panel connected with the amplifier and speakers to recover back the amplified version of original input signal. VLC has a bright future and it acts as a complement to the present RF communication by achieving higher efficiency.
Keywords: Ultrasonic sensor, MEMS sensor, LI-FI, Arduino uno.
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