CSEF: Cloud-Based Secure and Efficient Framework for Smart Medical System Using ECC

Project Code :TCMAJA661


The main objective of this project is to maintain, for security and privacy, to create a secure and efficient authentication framework based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for cloud-assisted SMS.


With the development of cloud computing, more and more data owners are motivated to outsource their documents to the cloud and share them with the authorized data users securely and flexibly. To protect data privacy, the documents are generally encrypted before being outsourced to the cloud and hence their search ability decreases. Though many privacy-preserving document search schemes have been proposed, they cannot reach a proper balance among functionality, flexibility, security and efficiency. In this paper, a new encrypted document retrieval system is designed and a proxy server is integrated into the system to alleviate data owner's workload and improve the whole system's security level. In this process, we consider a more practical and stronger threat model in which the cloud server can collude with a small number of data users. To support multiple document search patterns, we construct two AVL trees for the filenames and authors, and a Hierarchical Retrieval Features tree (HRF tree) for the document vectors. A depth-first search algorithm is designed for the HRF tree and the Enhanced Asymmetric Scalar-Product-Preserving Encryption (Enhanced ASPE) algorithm is utilized to encrypt the HRF tree. All the three index trees are linked with each other to efficiently support the search requests with multiple parameters. Theoretical analysis and simulation results illustrate the security and efficiency of the proposed framework.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


Software Requirements

Operating system                    :  Windows 7 or 7+

Ram                                         :  8 GB

Hard disc or SSD                    :  More than 500 GB

Processor                                 :  Intel 3rd generation or high or Ryzen with 8 GB Ram

Software’s                               :  Java 8 or high version, MySQL, Eclipse.

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