COVID-19 Tracker

Project Code :TCMAAN263


COVID-19 Tracker allows you to monitor the number of COVID-19 cases around the globe and different countries as the spread of disease is increasing. The sole purpose of this application is to keep you aware of the spread of disease around you and help you share credible and trustworthy information with your friends and family.


Today, the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause many deaths and infected people. Governments around the world are making strict measurements to slow down Control the spread of the virus (e.g. travel restrictions, all sports, social and economic activity outages, Quarantine, social distance, etc.), many have died, and many are still at risk. Surely, a recent study reported that 79% of confirmed infections in China were the cause. By asymptomatic & undocumented patients. In the same context, in many other countries, Coronavirus takes several days to show symptoms, but it is known The number of infections does not represent the actual number of infected people (the actual number is expected) Much higher).

Keywords: COVID-19, Information, News API, Preventive Measures.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Operating System: Windows and Android
  • SDK IDE: Android Studio 3.3
  • Virtual Emulator: Nexus Pixel 2
  • Programming Language: Java
  • Front End: Xml
  • Server scripting Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL


  • CPU type: Intel i7
  • Ram size: 16 GB
  • Hard disk capacity: 1TB
  • Monitor type: 15 Inch color monitor
  • Keyboard type: Internet keyboard
  • Mobile: Android

Learning Outcomes




·         Real time application in Using Real Time Data.

·         About MPAndroid Charts

·         About NewsApi

·         About Material Design Concepts

·         Android architecture.

·         Knowledge about server side programming

·         Difference between client side and server side programming language.

·         Knowledge about server

·         Knowledge about database and queries.

·         Knowledge about Volley API

·         How to communicate with API

·         How API Communicate with Server

·         What are Packages and dependencies regarding the app?

·         What are various versions of android app and android operating system

·         About Android studio.

·         Client side validation

·         Server side validation

·         Basic about java

·         What are Packages and dependencies regarding the app?

·         What are various versions of android app and android operating system

·         About Android studio.

·         Client side validation

·         Different Debugging Technique’s 

·         Deployment of app.

·         About play store deployment

·         What is manifest?

·         About XML

·         Widgets in android

·         Views in android

·         Layouts in android

·         How to design the user Interface.

·         How languages integrated with mobile app.

·         How app will suggests and error checking


Demo Video

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