Consumer Sales Online Fake Review Detection and Deletion

Project Code :TCMAJA595


The main objective of this application is “detecting the fake reviews and delete fake reviews and returns only genuine reviews only for a product”.


Product reviews play an important role in deciding the sale of a particular product on the ecommerce websites or applications like Flipkart, Amazon, Snap deal, etc. In this, we propose a framework to detect fake product reviews or spam reviews by using Opinion Mining. The Opinion mining is also known as Sentiment Analysis. In sentiment analysis, we try to figure out the opinion of a customer through a piece of text.

We first take the review and check if the review is related to the specific product with the help of Decision tree. We use Spam dictionary to identify the spam words in the reviews. In Text Mining we apply several algorithms and on the basis of these algorithms we get the specific results.

Keywords: Product, Reviews, Fake, E-Commerce.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Processor- I3/Intel Processor
  • Ram- 4GB (min)
  • Hard Disk- 160GB


  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10
  • Application Server: Tomcat 9.0                     
  • Front End: HTML, JSP
  • Scripts: JavaScript.
  • Server side Script: Java Server Pages.
  • Database: My SQL 6.0
  • Database Connectivity: JDBC.

Learning Outcomes

  • What is a review?
  • How to manage products?
  • How our process can delete fake reviews?
  • How user gets genuine review about any product?
  • What is sentimental analysis?
  • Use of HTML and CSS on UI Designs.
  • Data Base Connections.
  • Data Parsing Front-End to Back-End.
  • Need of Eclipse-IDE to develop a web application.
  • Working Procedure.
  • Testing Techniques.
  • Error Correction mechanisms.
  • How to run and deploy the applications?
  • Introduction to basic technologies used for.
  • How application works.
  • Input and Output modules.
  • How test the application based on user inputs and observe the output?
  • Project Development Skills:
    • Problem analyzing skills.
    • Problem solving skills.
    • Creativity and imaginary skills.
    • Programming skills.
    • Deployment.
    • Testing skills.
    • Debugging skills.
    • Project presentation skills.
    • Thesis writing skills.

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