Classification of Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signals Using Modified Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Two-Step Machine Learning Approach

Project Code :TCMAPY230


In this project we aim to detect and recognize the hand finger gestures representing different fingers of a person, using EMG signals as an input to classify hand gestures.


Very few people understand sign language as it is not an international language. This makes it difficult for the majority of hearing communities to communicate with the deaf community. Hence automatic recognition system is a new way of understanding the meaning of deaf signs without needing the help of expert. This technique can be used to translate signs into texts based on the users‟ needs. In this paper, we are recognizing the signs through the hand gestures using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) from the deep learning and with the help of OpenCV. Here, CNN is used to train the dataset and OpenCV is used to capture the hand gestures. In this proposed model we are mainly recognizing the numerical sign hand gestures.

Keywords: Hand gestures, deep learning, CNN, OpenCV


NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


H/W Configuration:

·         Processor                    :    I3/Intel Processor

·         Hard Disk                    :   160GB

·         RAM                             :    8GB

S/W Configuration:

·         Operating System       :   Windows 7/8/10            .          

·         IDE                                 :   Pycharm.

·         Libraries Used             :    Numpy, IO, OS, OpenCV.

·         Technology                  :    Python 3.6+.

Learning Outcomes

  •          Practical exposure to
      •          Hardware and software tools
      •          Solution providing for real time problems
      •          Working with team/individual
      •          Work on creative ideas

  •          Testing techniques
  •          Error correction mechanisms
  •          What type of technology versions is used?
  •          Working of Tensor Flow
  •          Implementation of Deep Learning techniques
  •          Working of CNN algorithm
  •          Working with OpenCV
  •          Building of model creations
  •          Scope of project
  •          Applications of the project
  •          About Python language
  •          About Deep Learning Frameworks
  •          Use of Data Science


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