The purpose of this app is to reserve the bus tickets from source to destination. this helps to users to pre book the seats on their wish.
Bus Reservation System
Travelling is a large growing business across all countries. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus.
We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it, we get to know that there are many operations, which they have to do manually. It takes a lot of time and causing many errors while data entry. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they were facing many disputes with customers. To solve the above problem, and further maintaining records of passenger details, seat availability, price per seat, bill generation and other things, we are offering this proposal of computerized reservation system.
By using this software, we can reserve tickets from any part of the world, through telephone lines, via internet. Customer can check availability of bus and reserve selective seats. The project provides and checks all sorts of constraints so that user does give only useful data and thus validation is done in an effective way.
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