Automatic Page Flipper with Voice Recognition

Project Code :TEMBMA3297


The main objective of this project is to Flip the paper to left and right sides by give voice commands through Bluetooth


Reading books, magazines, or any other printed material is an inevitable part of our day to day lives. It may form a part of one's hobby, work or leisure to flip through the pages of some material one has to read. Turning the pages of the book might be such a simple task for almost every one of us, that it is never given a thought. But still there are a few people among us who are devoid of such an obvious blessing, to be able to turn the pages on their own. So, for them this might seem to be a task very hard to come by. Therefore, in such a situation, an automatic page turning system could step into the scene and prove to be very beneficial. If a system is able to automatically turn the pages for such avid readers, simply as per their voice command and requirement, then it could be termed as a much-needed revolution in this field. This system is based on simple and relatively cheap electronic components such as the Arduino board, a Bluetooth module and mechanical components like the Servo motors. Hence, the desire for reading and learning, of such individuals can thereby remain unbounded and unconstrained with the support of this system. An issue that this system addresses is a need for a portable, inexpensive page-turning system that benefits people with limited motor movement and enables them to read bound material

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram

Learning Outcomes

  • Arduino UNO Pin diagram and Architecture
  • How to install arduino IDE Software
  • Setting up and Installation procedures for Arduino UNO
  • Introduction to Arduino IDE
  • Commands in Arduino
  • How to install Libraries?
  • Basic coding in Arduino
  • Introduction to Serial Communication
  • Working of Bluetooth
  • How to interface Bluetooth with Arduino UNO?
  • Working of Servo motor
  • How to interface Servo motor with Arduino UNO?
  • About Project Development Life Cycle:
    • Planning and Requirement Gathering(( software’s, Tools, Hardware components, etc.,)
    • Schematic preparation 
    • Code development and debugging
    • Hardware development and debugging
    • Development of the Project and  Output testing
  • Practical exposure to:
    • Hardware and software tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems.
    • Working with team/ individual.
    • Work on Creative ideas.
  • Project development Skills
    • Problem analyzing skills
    • Problem solving skills
    • Creativity and imaginary skills
    • Programming skills
    • Deployment
    • Testing skills
    • Debugging skills
    • Project presentation skills
    • Thesis writing skills

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