Android Robot Helicopter using Accelerometer Sensors

Project Code :TCMAAN198


In the android robot helicopter using accelerometer sensors project we can implement the robot helicopter application to control the robot helicopter and in order to control the robot helicopter, we can send the commands to Bluetooth device which is placed in the circuit. From this commands the robot helicopter will perform action.


Now a day’s using of robots are common thing in some places. The people using like mobile robots and some other robots and the robots are entered civilian and personal spaces such as hospitals, schools, and ordinary homes. While many of these robots for civil applications are mechanically stable. So and now we are introducing robot helicopter, this is control by the android application. 

In the robot helicopter circuit we can put the Bluetooth device to connect the android. From this Bluetooth device we can connect to application and with the applications we can control that helicopter. In the application commands are sending from the Bluetooth device and receiver from the Bluetooth receiver. It has the 4DC motor-driven robot helicopter. Since the robot helicopter has a few joints, we can imagine this robot helicopter.

Keywords: Robot Helicopter, Bluetooth, 4DC Motor, Mobiles.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram



  • Operating System: Windows and Android
  • SDK IDE: Android Studio 3.3
  • Virtual Emulator: Nexus Pixel 2
  • Programming Language: Java
  • Front End: Xml
  • Server scripting Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL


  • CPU type: Intel i7
  • Ram size: 16 GB
  • Hard disk capacity : 1TB
  • Monitor type: 15 Inch color monitor
  • Keyboard type: Internet keyboard
  • Mobile: Android 


Learning Outcomes

  • About Android Studio.
  • About java.
  • About volley servers.
  • About Fragments.
  • About manifest.
  • About dependencies.
  • About griddle builds.
  • About uses and permissions.
  • About Edit texts.
  • About Relative layout.
  • About Linear layout.
  • About image views.
  • About Libraries.
  • About Resource layout.
  • About Activities.
  • About Layouts.
  • About Adapters.
  • About Different types of Buttons.
  • About XML code.
  • About how to send notifications.
  • About Views.
  • About JSON objects.
  • About Intents.
  • About put extra params to pass the values.
  • About PHP.
  • About SQL.
  • About Database.
  • About data base tables.
  • About How to store data in database.
  • About Dc’s.
  • About robot helicopter design.
  • About Accelerometer.
  • Project Development Skills:
    • Problem analyzing skills.
    • Problem solving skills.
    • Creativity and imaginary skills.
    • Programming skills.
    • Deployment.
    • Testing skills.
    • Debugging skills.
    • Project presentation skills.
    • Thesis writing skills.

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