An Efficient TDC Using a Dual-Mode Resource-Saving Method Evaluated in a 28-nm FPGA

Also Available Domains Arithmetic Core|Xilinx Vivado

Project Code :TVMATO1121


The main aim of this paper is to implement the time-to-digital-converter (TDC) based on the dual-mode tapped delay line using CARRY4 sequence to reduce the dead-time.


FPGA-based time-to-digital converters (TDCs) are required to be accurate, linear, and fast, while at the same time employing a reduced number of resources. Pushing these requirements to the limit is challenging, although it is constantly required by many applications. This article presents a dual-mode tapped-delay-line (TDL)—propagating 1’s and 0’s in alternating measurement cycles—architecture for a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based TDC that complies with the mentioned specifications. The dead-time of the proposed TDC is reduced to one system clock cycle by using a toggling input stage and a dual-mode counter-based encoder. To improve the TDC linearity, the TDL sampling sequence is tuned separately for each operating mode. The presented architecture employs a low-resources dualmode combinatory encoder of one- and zero-counters to remove the bubbles and cover both operating modes. A dual-mode binwidth calibration has been carried out to improve the TDC performance in each mode. The proposed architecture has been implemented on a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram


Software Requirements:

·         Xilinx ISE Tool

·         HDL: Verilog

Hardware Requirements:

·         Microsoft® Windows XP,

·         Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or Pentium 4 equivalent with SSE support

·         512 MB RAM

·         100 MB of available disk space

Learning Outcomes

  • Basics of Digital Electronics
  • FPGA design Flow
  • Introduction to Verilog Coding
  • Different modeling styles in Verilog

o   Data Flow modeling

o   Structural modeling

o   Behavioral modeling

o   Mixed level modeling

  • Concept of Distributed Arithmetic based Filter
  • Importance of TDC using a dual-mode resource
  • Drawbacks of TDC
  •  Introduction to FPGA-based TDCs
  •  Knowledge on minimizing the use of resources and power consumption.
  • Applications of TDC
  • Scope of filters concept in today’s world
  • Applications in real time
  • Xilinx ISE 14.7 for design and simulation
  • Generation of Net list
  • Solution providing for real time problems
  •   Project Development Skills:

o   Problem Analysis Skills

o   Problem Solving Skills

o   Logical Skills

o   Designing Skills

o   Testing Skills

o   Debugging Skills

o   Presentation Skills

o   Thesis Writing Skills

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