Advanced IOT Based Combined Remote Health Monitoring, Home Automation and Alarm System

Also Available Domains IOT|Biomedical

Project Code :TEMBMA1866


The main objective of the project is health parameter monitoring, medicine time reminding and an automated home system. This system will remind the patient when it’s time to take pills through an SMS, email and a voice message and can monitor the health parameters and updates the data to the doctor or patient via an SMS.


The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to enable systems across the globe to share data using advanced communication technologies. With the recent technological advancements, IoT-based solutions are no longer a challenging vision. IoT will offer numerous and potentially revolutionary benefits to today's digital world. Future personalized and connected healthcare is one of the promising areas to see the benefits of IoT.

This project surveys emerging healthcare applications, including detailed technical aspects required for the realization of a complete end-to-end solution for each application. The survey explores the key application-specific requirements from the perspective of communication technologies. Furthermore, a detailed exploration from the existing to the emerging technologies and standards that would enable such applications is presented, highlighting the critical consideration of short-range and long-range communications.

Finally, the survey highlights important open research challenges and issues specifically related to IoT-based future healthcare systems.

Keywords: Health monitoring, Arduino UNO, Node MCU, Temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor, IR sensor, GSM, MEMS sensor, RTC, Blynk App.

NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.

Block Diagram

Arduino,Heart beat sensor,DHT11 sensor,IR sensor


Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino Uno
  • NodeMCU
  • MEMS sensor
  • Heartbeat sensor
  • Temperature sensor
  • IR sensor -2
  • GSM
  • Relay-2
  • Bulb
  • 16x2 LCD -2
  • Led -3
  • Buzzer
  • Switch -3
  • RTC Module
  • Voice Module circuit
  • Speaker
  • 5V Adapter
  • Connecting wires

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Embedded C
  • Fritzing
  • Blynk App.

Learning Outcomes

  • Arduino Uno pin diagram and architecture
  • Nodemcu pin diagram and architecture
  • How to install arduino IDE  software
  • Setting up and installation procedure for arduino Uno
  • Introduction to arduino IDE
  • Commands in arduino
  • Basic coding in Embedded C
  • Working of MEMS sensor
  • Interfacing MEMS sensor with Arduino uno
  • Working of temperature sensor
  • Interfacing temperature sensor with Arduino uno
  • Working of Heart beat sensor
  • Interfacing Heart beat sensor with Arduino uno
  • Working of IR sensor
  • Interfacing IR sensor with Arduino uno
  • Working of RTC Module
  • Interfacing RTC Module with Arduino uno
  • Interfacing a switch with Arduino uno
  • Working of 16x2 LCD
  • Interfacing  16x2 LCD with Arduino uno
  • Working of relay
  • Interfacing  relay with Arduino uno
  • What is serial communication?
  • Working of GSM
  • Interfacing  GSM with Arduino uno
  • Working of voice module circuit
  • Interfacing  voice module circuit with Arduino uno
  • What is IOT?
  • IOT architecture and its scope
  • How to create communication between Arduino uno and Nodemcu?
  • How to send an email using Nodemcu and the blynk app?
  • About Project Development Life Cycle:
    • Planning and Requirement Gathering(( software’s, Tools, Hardware components, etc.,)
    • Schematic preparation 
    • Code development and debugging
    • Hardware development and debugging
    • Development of the Project and  Output testing
  • Practical exposure to:
    • Hardware and software tools.
    • Solution providing for real time problems.
    • Working with team/ individual.
    • Work on Creative ideas.
  • Project development Skills
    • Problem analyzing skills
    • Problem solving skills
    • Creativity and imaginary skills
    • Programming skills
    • Deployment
    • Testing skills
    • Debugging skills
    • Project presentation skills
    • Thesis writing skills

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