Also Available Domains Robotics|NodeMCU|Arduino|PIC16F77A|ARM7|Arduino|ARM7
Modern 3 ways dropping dumper’ has been conceived by observing the difficulty in unloading the materials. The survey in this regards in several automobile garages, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopted in unloading the materials from the trailer
For the reason of having problem while unloading the material in congested place or at the specific place as appropriate for work. Our survey in the regards of several construction sites, revealed facts that most of the difficulty comes under unloading. So here we are using dumper. A dumper is a vehicle use for carrying various materials from one place to another and dump to a specific place. A Dumper is a vehicle designed for carrying bulk material, often on building sites such gravels, sand, debris or rubbles.
Dumper are distinguished from tippler trucks by configuration: a dumper is usually an open 4- wheeled vehicle, has its cab in front of the load. A typical dump truck is equipped with an open-box bed, which is hinged at the rear and equipped with motor to lift the front, allowing the material in the bed to be deposited ("dumped") on the ground behind the truck at the site of delivery.
The existing dump truck drop the material in backside only. But there is a problem when we want to put the material in right and left side of tippler at congested place or area. So In this project, we made the dumper which can unload the material in the three direction (within 180 ̊) i.e. back, right and left with the help of motor.
Keywords: Multi-directional dumping, Robotics, Bluetooth control, Mechatronics, Arduino UNO.
NOTE: Without the concern of our team, please don't submit to the college. This Abstract varies based on student requirements.
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