Java Projects for Engineering Students

Enhance your Java programming skills at Takeoff Projects. Technical content for Java in Takeoff provide practical experience projects for Engineering Students with source code in various kinds like web development, data analysis and machine learning. Each project is designed for understanding the core Java concepts and modern programming techniques. Which is suitable for both beginners and advanced developers, Takeoff projects offer a direct approach in mastering Technical Java and solving real-world problems effectively.
Project Code
Project Name
1 TCPGJA602 A Reliability Guaranteed Solution for Data Storing and Sharing
2 TCPGJA592 Enhancing Security of Health Information Using Modular Encryption Stan...
3 TCPGJA591 A Practical Framework for Secure Document Retrieval in Encrypted Cloud...
4 TCPGJA539 PDD: Predictive Diabetes Diagnosis using Data mining Algorithms
5 TCPGJA507 A Computational and Analytical Approach for Cloud Computing Security w...
6 TCPGJA545 Multi-Source Medical Data Integration and Mining for Healthcare Servic...
7 TCPGJA553 A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching Over Encryp...
8 TCPGJA526 Dual Access control for Cloud Based Data Storage and Sharing
9 TCPGJA508 A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage
10 TCPGJA509 Cost-efficient Outsourced Decryption of Attribute Based Encryption Sch...

Cloud Computing

Items per page:
1 – 10 of 15

Related Projects

Bring the very best in Java projects to your engineering studies with Takeoff Edu Group outstanding Java projects. Students are going to find a list of unique and realistic Java project topics that will be suitable for engineering students. From raw mathematical concepts like algorithms and data structures to high level examples like data analytics and applications and even animation and game, all projects will help to further your understanding and polish your coding. Every project is accompanied by a source code and a detailed description of each aspect with clear instructions for the learner. Whether it be in the many assignments that students have to complete in school or academy or preparing for further employment opportunities, Takeoff Projects offers the tools you require. Discover our selection now and BOOST your Java programming experience to the next level!

Final year projects