Whether you're a beginner or an advanced student, Takeoff Edu Group has everything you need to get started on your academic embedded projects using MATLAB. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive programming language, you'll be able to quickly develop and test your ideas, without getting bogged down by the complexities of traditional embedded systems development.

Project Code
Project Name
1 TMMAIN30 Hand gesture recognition using IMU sensors
2 TMMAIN01 Thing speak Based Monitoring IoT System for Counting People in A Libra...
3 TMMAIN02 Automatic and Secure Electronic Gate System Using Fusion of License Pl...
4 TMMAIN03 AI Robot Using MATLAB
5 TMMAIN04 IOT based GPS Tracking and Visualization in MATLAB
6 TMMAIN06 CNN Based Speaker Recognition in Language and Text-Independent Small-S...
7 TMMAIN08 Road Sign Recognition with Lane Detection
8 TMMAIN10 Object Avoidance Robert
9 TMMAIN27 Detecting Triple Riding and Without Helmet Riders Using Yolov2 Detecto...
10 TMMAIN09 Smart Voting System
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 10
Project Code
Project Name
1 TMMAIN30 Hand gesture recognition using IMU sensors
2 TMMAIN01 Thing speak Based Monitoring IoT System for Counting People in A Libra...
3 TMMAIN02 Automatic and Secure Electronic Gate System Using Fusion of License Pl...
4 TMMAIN03 AI Robot Using MATLAB
5 TMMAIN04 IOT based GPS Tracking and Visualization in MATLAB
6 TMMAIN06 CNN Based Speaker Recognition in Language and Text-Independent Small-S...
7 TMMAIN08 Road Sign Recognition with Lane Detection
8 TMMAIN10 Object Avoidance Robert
9 TMMAIN27 Detecting Triple Riding and Without Helmet Riders Using Yolov2 Detecto...
10 TMMAIN09 Smart Voting System
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 10
Project Code
Project Name
1 TMMAIN30 Hand gesture recognition using IMU sensors
2 TMMAIN01 Thing speak Based Monitoring IoT System for Counting People in A Libra...
3 TMMAIN02 Automatic and Secure Electronic Gate System Using Fusion of License Pl...
4 TMMAIN03 AI Robot Using MATLAB
5 TMMAIN04 IOT based GPS Tracking and Visualization in MATLAB
6 TMMAIN06 CNN Based Speaker Recognition in Language and Text-Independent Small-S...
7 TMMAIN08 Road Sign Recognition with Lane Detection
8 TMMAIN10 Object Avoidance Robert
9 TMMAIN27 Detecting Triple Riding and Without Helmet Riders Using Yolov2 Detecto...
10 TMMAIN09 Smart Voting System
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 10

Related Projects

What is the MATLAB?

MATLAB, the multi-paradigm numerical computing environment, is a perfect tool for students who are interested in embedded systems and want to bring their ideas to life. With its vast library of functions and tools, MATLAB makes it easy to develop, simulate, and test embedded systems, streamlining the entire design process.

Are You Looking for the Embedded Projects Using MATLAB & Support?

At Takeoff Edu Group, we're dedicated to helping students bring their Embedded projects using MATLABMATLAB, the multi-paradigm numerical computing environment, is a perfect tool for students who are interested in embedded systems and want to bring their ideas to life. With its vast library of functions and tools, MATLAB makes it easy to develop, simulate, and test embedded systems, streamlining the entire design process. to life. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of MATLAB tools and resources, including tutorials, videos, and sample projects, all designed to help you get the most out of MATLAB and achieve your goals.

So why wait? Start exploring the world of embedded systems today and bring your ideas to life with Takeoff Edu Group. Whether you're working on a simple embedded projects using MATLAB or a complex system, Takeoff Edu Group has everything you need to succeed. So why not take advantage of all that Takeoff Edu Group has to offer and start your journey today?

Final year projects