Project Code
Project Name
1 TEMAPE205 Multi Functional PV Inverter with Low Voltage Ride Through and Constan...
2 TEMAPE196 New switched capacitor based boost inverter topology with reduced swit...
3 TEMAHA75 LUO Converter Using Raspberry Pi
4 TEMAHA76 Zeta Converter Using Arduino
5 TEMAHA77 Three Phase Ac Motor Control Using Raspberry Pi
6 TEMAHA78 Three Phase Quasi Z-Source Inverter
7 TEMAHA79 Interleaved high voltage gain dc to dc converter
8 TEMAHA80 High Gain Flyback converter
9 TEMAPS437 Design and Simulation of Hybrid Power Filters to Provide Harmonic Comp...
10 TEMAED81 Battery and Super Capacitor Fed BLDC Motor Drive for Electrical Vehicl...
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 57
Final year projects